Highlights from spring 2017

(top) Maria Faticov and Adam Ekholm are heating the oak food web to study the impact of climate on phenology, microbes & insects. (bottom-left) Laura van Dijk’s new project on the spatial dynamics of systemic diseases in the wood anemone. (bottom-right) The impact of overwintering temperature on the spring phenology of insects on oak: waiting for thousands of leaf miners, gallers and their parasitoids to emerge.

Highlights from spring & summer 2016

(top) Meeting the Swedish King at the Royal Palace. I received a grant for höstförsöket (our new citizen science project) where we will collaborate with school children across Sweden to disentangle the relationship between climate, phenology and the oak food web. (bottom) A sprouting coffee bean in Gomma forest, where we launched our new SIDA-funded project on coffee pests and pathogens in SW Ethiopia.

Other major & minor events:

Highlights from autumn & winter 2015

Fieldwork by Pil Rasmussen – spring and summer 2015

(top) Setting up a PlantPopNet population in the beautiful surrounding of Östra Ryd (North of Stockholm). (bottom-left) Looking at the vegetation and soil community associated with Plantago lanceolata in Åland, Finland, and comparing it to a study done 6 years ago by Stafva Lindström and Anna-Liisa Laine from Helsinki University. (bottom-right) Genetic analyses of the arbuscular mycorrhizal community in collaboration with Anders Andersson, Luisa Hugerth and Björn Lindahl at SciLifeLab.

Highlights from spring 2014

A bi-yearly update on cool stuff!

Perspective in Science by Meghan Duffy

Move to Stockholm!

Our lab recently moved to Stockholm, where I (Ayco) will start as an assistant professor (‘biträdende lektor’). The position revolves around ‘Plant-based species interactions‘.

The new visiting address is:
Svante Arrheniusväg 20A
114 18 Stockholm

Postal address:
Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm

And my personal webpage at the department

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