Statistics for Biologists III

The course materials here are meant for the course Statistics for Biologists III at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University. But given we are living in the age of open access, sharing of knowledge and materials, and awkward pedagogic platforms, I thought I just place them publicly on my website. In case you think the materials are of any use, feel free to use them. But browse the disclaimers at the bottom of this page?


***When the course runs, materials will come online at the pace of the course***


Schedule & course info

***Preliminary**** course schedule

Link to course schedule in TimeEdit

Course info from 2021

Intro to R

Recommended books: The R book from Mick Crawley & Experimental design and data analysis for biologists from Quinn & Keough (note that the SU-library provides free access to the PDF of both books)


Data for exercises



Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3

Intermezzo on RMarkdown

Lecture 4

Lecture 5

Intermezzo on p-values

Lecture 6

Lecture 7

Lecture 8

Lecture 9

Lecture 10

Lecture 11

Lecture 12

Lecture 13

Lecture 14 (data files)

Lecture 15

Lecture 16



Exercise 1 (Solutions)

Exercise 2 (Solutions)

Exercise 3 (Solutions)

Exercise 4 (Solutions)

Exercise 5 (Solutions)

Exercise 6 (Solutions)

Exercise 7 (Solutions)

Exercise 8 (Solutions)


Test exercises

Tips for test exercises (2021 version)

Test exercise 1

Test Exercise 2

Test Exercise 3 (Cabbage data for TE3Q1, Cabbage data for TE3Q2, Data for TE3Q3)

Test Exercise 4 (Acardamines data for TE4)



Disclaimer 1: As many a teacher, I have compiled my lectures and exercises by inheriting materials from predecessors (thanks Olof Leimar!) and great input from course assistants (thanks Sandra StÃ¥lhandske & Simon Eckerström Liedholm!). But also from reading and browsing the internet. And while I am sure many folks have placed materials and ideas online with the intention to spread it freely, I may also have (unwittingly or out of laziness) stolen something, or provided inappropriate credit. If you see any such case, please contact me directly, and I’ll take action by adding credits or removing the contentious content.

Disclaimer 2: Note that the lectures and exercises are meant as a backdrop for interactive discussions, not as iron-clad guidelines or the sole learning materials.

Disclaimer 3: While I teach statistics, I am no statistician. I am a community ecologist with an interest in statistics. I do realize some will think that statistics should solely be taught by statisticians. Fair enough! At least we have two great statisticians as guest lecturers.